Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Toppling by Sally Murphy

It is difficult to know where to begin with this little book. If I say too much about the plot it will be spoilt. I know this because after hearing the author speak at the recent CBCA State Conference I knew the whole story before beginning and I am sure this is why this emotional story didn’t quite have the impact I would have expected.

Toppling is a new verse novel from the author Pearl Verses the world.

The premise of toppling over dominoes as a hobby works really well. The idea of a free choice school project is also excellent.

Dominic is John’s best friend …
Dominic Fraser likes footy
and soccer
and cricket.
He likes reading funny books
and motorbike magazines.
He like art
but not maths
but not Science

He’s fun
and funny
and loyal
and pretty cool.
And he’s my best mate

That is John talking - who is Dominic - who are his friends - what is happening in his life? You will need to read this beautifully illustrated book to find out.

This is a book about the ups and downs of life, about good friends, and fabulous teachers. There are some surprises and you will probably read this book all in one go. Look for it soon - this little book is an important reading experience.

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