Saturday, February 19, 2011

Lulu and the Brontosaurus by Judith Viorst illustrated by Lane Smith

This book is absolutely perfect in every possible way. I love the unconventional size, the bold cover design, the fabulous illustrations by the super talented Lane Smith, the cheeky narration by master story teller Judith Viorst and all the white space.

For all readers but especially those in Junior Primary classes this book is an absolute must read!! I find I am again puzzled that others did not shout about this little gem from the tops of the highest mountains. Thank goodness for the NSW School Magazine bookshelf list – this is how I discovered this wonderful book.

Lulu is a spoilt, bad tempered bully who wants a Brontosaurus for her Birthday. Yes I know they are now called Apatosaurus and I know dinosaurs and people did not coexist but suspension of disbelief is an essential part of all human imagination.

Lulu throws diabolical tantrums when she does not get her own way including shrieking until the light bulbs burst. After twelve spectacular days of these tantrums, Lulu finally declares she is leaving to find a Brontosaurus for herself. She packs a little suitcase and takes off. Her mum and dad, now totally worn out, sit down in their now quiet kitchen and drink a silent cup of tea.

While Lulu and later the Brontosaurus are the stars of this story, special mention must be made of the little suitcase. It seems to hold the most amazing things all ready for any predicament that befalls Lulu.

I am not going to spoil the plot by telling you how Lulu finds her Brontosaurus and what exactly happens when they meet but telling you there are three versions of chapter thirteen, the final chapter, you might realize Judith Viorst has created a lot of loose ends that need to be tied up.

I don’t usually rate the books I read but I must give Lulu and the Brontosaurus 11/10. Grab this book with both hands and don’t let go! My little paper back copy has the best cover much brighter than the hardcover edition. If you need a preview take a look at the last minute or so of this Scholastic promotion - Lulu is the last book they review but it is worth the wait.

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