Wednesday, May 18, 2011

A home for gnomes by Margaret Clark illustrated by Gus Gordon

Margaret Clark is a master story teller and there can be no better evidence than her writing within the constraints of a little Aussie Nibble. Even with only 64 pages and a very small word limit Margaret Clark is able to write an enchanting story for our youngest readers.

Five gnomes live a secret life with Miss Mackie, helping in her garden and providing companionship for this isolated elderly lady. In her turn Miss Mackie teaches the gnomes how to read by reading them Fairy Tales and she makes all their clothes and shoes.

One day Miss Mackie leaves and while the gnomes valiantly try to keep things going it is obvious Miss Mackie is not going to return. This is especially clear when the bulldozers arrive one day and start to demolish their beloved garden. It is time for action. The gnomes pack their treasured possessions – the book of Fairy Tales for Quince and for Lilly all seven pairs of undies, one for each day of the week, that Miss Mackie has made for her.

First stop is the supermarket called Mother Hubbard’s cupboard. Alas Miss Mackie is not to be found among all the intriguing groceries. After crossing the road (a feat in itself) they see the Royal Hospital for Women but since Miss Mackie is not a Royal Queen or a Princess they continue on their journey. Next stop The Sleeping Beauty Rest Home. Here they find their beloved Miss Mackie and a wonderful new home.

I am reading all of our Aussie Nibbles over the next few weeks. This new title is a winner.

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