Monday, December 24, 2012

A Christmas star called Hazel by Vivian French illustrated by Anne Yvonne Gilbert

Your teacher announces that your class will do a special play of the Christmas story.  What part do you want?  Hazel expects to be Mary but instead she is cast as a star.  At first she is upset but then the teacher kindly explains "This is a very special star' Mrs Hill told her ... this star is baby Jesus' very own star." Hazel feels better about the role so her thoughts turn to costumes and props but it seems all her ideas are not quite right and Hazel now feels thoroughly upset.  She can only see the negative side of this whole process and is not even happy when her mum says she is coming to watch.

The day of the play arrives.  Mum and baby Paul are in the audience and Hazel looks just like a star but everything is not quite ready.  Someone has forgotten to bring the doll they were going to use as the baby Jesus.  Hazel steps in to save the day.

This Christmas book is perfect to read to a preschool or Kindergarten child.  It was published in 1997 but you might be lucky and find a copy.  Oddly in America this book has the title A Christmas star called Hannah. I wonder why?  Here is the author web site.  The illustrations by Anne Yvonne Gilbert are perfect. I love the way she shows the expressions of the young children.

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