Friday, December 14, 2012

Liar and Spy by Rebecca Stead

Review Part 4 now I am up to page 183 - next post will be the last...

Rebecca Stead has been giving little hints about Safer.  The biggest hint has just come when Georges and his dad are heading off to their favourite Chinese restaurant Yum Li's.  Candy is happy to go but Safer is adamant that they cannot.  Notice he only exercises the dogs in the basement courtyard, he sends Georges to check out the parrot nest outside in the street and he never answers the door.  Then there is the continuing issue of his name - Safer?

On Saturday their mum is photographing a wedding, their father is a driving instructor so Saturday is his busy day.  Only Safer and Candy are home and so Safer decides to break into Mr X's apartment again to solve the mystery of the key and the suitcases and the bodies.  Georges says this is the last time he will be a look out.  Safer takes Pigeon's mobile phone and Georges watches the screen on the intercom in his apartment.

Georges sees a man in black with a suitcase arrive home.  He has to stall him so he stops the lift and joins him on the pretext of feeding indoor plants for another resident on the fourth floor.  Georges becomes desperate.  Mr X walks into his apartment - it seems Safer will be caught!

On with the final pages.

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