Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Morris's disappearing bag by Rosemary Wells

I first discovered this book, Morris's disappearing bag, via a little animated video of the story.  Morris's siblings receive the most fabulous presents on Christmas morning - Victor gets a hockey outfit, Rose gets a beauty kit and Betty gets a chemistry set.  Morris himself receives a bear.  He loves the bear but he longs to join in with the hockey, the beauty products and most especially the chemistry experiments but his brother and sisters say he is too young, too little and too silly. Morris is deeply unhappy but late that night he revisits the Christmas tree and he sees one more parcel that has been overlooked.  He opens it and inside is a disappearing bag.  Morris crawls in and disappears. Of course the others are desperate to try the bag and this suits Morris perfectly because while they are inside "he zoomed" (on the hockey skates)," and mixed" (the chemicals)" and beautified" - what a lovely word, until bedtime. Morris goes to sleep a very contented little fellow.

At its heart this is a book about sharing and play.  It is also about family life in a family with many brothers and sisters.  After you read this book I do recommend the animation - it is perfect.  The new edition does have an updated cover but I have put my old copy here.  Here is a detailed review.  This little book is one of my favourites for Christmas.  I adore Rosemary Wells.

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