Saturday, February 23, 2013

Violet Mackerel's possible friend by Anna Branford illustrated by Sarah Davis

Often a book series will start out with a terrific first book and then they fade away. I find sequels can sometimes be disappointing but this is not the case with Violet Mackerel.  This new installment Violet Mackerel's Possible friend is just as good as the first.

Violet has moved to a new house and she knows a young girl her age lives next door.  Violet is a worrier.  She would love a new friend but at the same time she fears rejection.  On the day of the move Violet notices an interesting knot in the wood of the fence that divides the two houses. Violet pushes the knot and it falls out.  At first she is dismayed.  The garden next door is so very, very neat.  Surely the owners will be cross with her for making this hole - even though it was not intentional.

As I said, Violet is a worrier but she is also a problem solver.  She has a brilliant idea.  Violet has a theory that if "two people give each other a small thing, they might end up becoming very good friends."  If you have read the first book in this series you will know Violet loves small things and she is a girl with lots of theories.  So Violet writes an apology letter and wraps a small thing and places the note and the gift in the fence hole.   She quickly receives a reply :

"Hello Violet, Thank you for the lovely bell.  Don't worry about the hole.  I am not cross and nobody has noticed except me.  Here is a present for you too.  Would you like to come over tomorrow morning? From Rose."

Yes, the girl next door is called Rose - have you guess that she might be the perfect friend for Violet?

This is a simple book with a very warm heart.  The whole collection of Violet Mackerel books are a very welcome addition to my school library.  As a bonus they are Australian.  Violet has her own web site.  This book is perfect for young readers who are just beginning with chapter books.  I especially loved the dolls house the two girls play with - I have a life-long fascination with dolls houses and this one is very special.  I suggest you look for the series of books about Violet Mackerel you will not be disappointed.

1 comment:

  1. these look lovely. My daughter is a big fan of Billie B Brown and also the Australian Girl Series and I think she would love these too
