Saturday, June 1, 2013

Granny Torrelli makes soup by Sharon Creech

Granny Torrelli is a wise woman and a great cook.  This is the perfect combination to help Rosie when she and her best friend Bailey have had the most awful falling out.

If you have ever read my blog you will know I am a huge fan of Sharon Creech.  While Granny Torrelli makes soup is not a verse novel like Love that dog but it is a book of enormous warmth and wisdom and should be read by anyone - child or adult - who has ever felt jealous, or hurt or confused by the twists and turns of relationships.

"Bailey, my neighbor my friend, my buddy, my pal for my whole life, knowing me better that any body, that Bailey, that Bailey I am so mad at right now, that Bailey, I hate him today."

"My Granny Torrelli says when you are angry with someone, so angry you are thinking hateful things, so angry you want to punch them, then you should think of the good things about them, and the nice things they've said, and why you liked them in the first place."

Over delicious meals of soup, home-made pasta, meatballs and spareribs Granny Torrelli gently guides Rosie to a deeper understanding of herself and of Bailey.

This book was a present from our pen pals in Pennsylvania.  We have had a copy in our library for a long time and I thought I had read this wonderful book long ago but now I discover I had not.  If you are in middle Primary or older step into your library and borrow this book.  Sit in your favourite chair, turn on some very soft music and sit back for an hour or two and read, read, read.

Here is a detailed review.  Her is a literature circle plan.  Sharon Creech has written some discussion questions herself. Finally here are a series of book talks you might use after you read this book.

It is interesting to see the various covers for this book.  Which one do you like?

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