Sunday, July 14, 2013

Bailey by Harry Bliss

At the start of each school year I enjoy putting together a huge box filled with books about starting school to be read to our new Kindergarten students. I have some favourites including Tom goes to Kindergarten by Margaret Wild, Countdown to Kindergarten also illustrated by Harry Bliss and Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes.   In fact I even have a pinterest collection with all our titles.

Now I have found Bailey and this book is definitely another perfect book to begin the year.  Bailey is heading off to Champlain Elementary School.  "The early bird wakes Bailey up.  It is time to start the day and get ready for school."

There are so many pages that just made me smile.  Bailey brushes his fur counting 98, 99, 100.  He chooses what to wear from his extensive wardrobe of coloured collars. After a short distraction Bailey manages to catch the bus and he arrives at school in time for a greeting by the Principal.  "Good Morning Bailey! Try not to lick anyone today."

Bailey has a gift for his teacher - a bone.  As you might expect a dog ate his homework so Bailey finds himself with a severe tummy ache.  Back in class Bailey presents his news, enjoys a maths lesson and an art lesson and lunch and playtime.  He even has a special talent for dancing.  The day ends with reading time.  Then Bailey catches the bus home happy in the knowledge that tomorrow will be another great day.  Here is a special review in the New York Times.

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