Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Definitely no ducks by Meg McKinlay illustrated by Leila Rudge

I had my fingers crossed when I started reading Definitely no ducks!  I enjoyed Duck for Day when it was short listed by the CBCA but so often I find sequels just don't weave quite the same magic.

I am so happy to report Definitely no Ducks did not disappoint me. I loved it - even more than Duck for Day.  The children across the school are preparing a special assembly for an important visitor.  Each class has been assigned an continent and Mrs Melvino and her class have been preparing their item all about Antarctica complete with huge papier mache models of penguins, seals and an iceberg.

Abby and Noah, who we met in the first book, are still allowed to look after Max at night and since they love Max, the class duck, so much they are happy to share this privilege.

As the story opens Melanie, a girl in the class, lifts up a bag from under her desk.

"It was a bag - a bright pink bag with a shiny metal zipper. An open zipper; with something poking out of it. Something small and wriggly.  With a little furry face and an even littler neck. A neck with a sparkling silver collar and a tiny pink tag."

Moments later there is a crash in the class storeroom and the children rush in to see all their wonderful models are smashed. Blame falls on Max and then the school Principal Mr Oswald arrives.  He sees the mess and declares "definitely no ducks!"  Everyone tries to think of a solution but Mrs Melvino knows Max cannot stay and so neither can she.  This is a catastrophe. Everyone loves Mrs Melvino and Max.  What can the children do to save their teacher, save their assembly item and save their beloved Max?  The ending will make you smile but it might also surprise you.

Here is a web site for the illustrator.

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