Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Runaways by Sherryl Clark

I am constantly amazed at the power of verse novels.  Sherryl Clark has written some of my favourites but I think Runaways is one of her best. What do you think of the cover?  I think it gives the impression this book is aimed at High School readers but really a middle primary student could easily read this powerful story.

The voices in this book alternate between Cassie and her brother Jack.  Mum and dad have split up and mum finds Jack difficult to handle then one day dad turns up again and within days he and Jack head off to Perth.

"then Dad's suitcase
is in the hallway
what a surprise
he's bolting again

except this time
Jack's backpack
is sitting there, too.

I tell Mum
not to let Jack go
I tell her
not to say yes
I tell her
Dad can't be trusted"

Cassie right, Dad cannot be trusted and Perth is not the place for Jack so he runs away.  Cassie is frantic with worry.  She needs to find Jack and keep him safe.  There is only one place to go - Grandad's little house by the sea.

Here is an excellent review and here is a terrific idea.  Sherryl Clark has produced some postcards which incorporate parts of the text from Runaways.

Take a look at Motormouth also by Sherryl Clark if you enjoy Runaways and other verse novels by Steven Herrick in particular Tom Jones saves the world.

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