Saturday, May 31, 2014

Pigsticks and Harold and the incredible journey by Alex Milway

There are not many books that I can say with absolute certainty "this book is a winner" but Pigsticks and Harold and the incredible journey truly is a WINNER!  The opening sentence sets the tone and quickly establishes the humour.

"Pigsticks was the last in a noble line of pigs.  His ancestors had done great things, but Pigsticks hadn't done anything yet.  As he sat in his study, reading about his fore pigs, Pigsticks made a momentous decision."

Pigsticks decides to travel to the ends of the earth but he will need an assistant - to carry his gear, cook the food and generally cope with all manner of hazards that are sure to arise on this adventure.  None of the local candidates seem suitable and then unexpectedly Harold, a young Hamster, arrives at Pigstick's door.  Harold has no interest in travel but the offer of cake (three cakes including a Battenberg) is very tempting.  And so this intrepid pair set off to the ends of the earth.  I have put an image of this cake below (BBC Food) because if you have dipped into my blog you will know, just like Harold, I also love cake.

Here is a very funny little video where you will see Pigsticks and Harold themselves promoting their book.

If you enjoy Pigsticks and Harold and the incredible journey you should also look for The Trip to Panama by Janosh and The Clumsies by Sorrel Anderson.  Here is a web site from the author which begins with his visit to Tales on Moon Lane.  I visited this special children's bookshop in London recently so I was excited to see Alex Milway had prepared a special window display.  If I have not yet convinced you to read this warm-hearted little story please take a minute and read this review in The School Library Journal.  This book would make a great read-a-loud for a younger class.  I wonder if Alex Milway has plans for more books in this series.

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