Saturday, October 31, 2015

My reading pile

Just thought I might share a few of the titles of  books on my reading pile right now. We have had some huge book deliveries over the last two weeks and my reading pile is growing taller and taller.

Several weeks ago a young boy greeted me at the school gate.  It was 8am and he was on his way to band practice but he stopped to tell me about two books he thought should be added to our school library.  Luckily I was right in the middle of a big book order so just ten minutes later I added these two books.

Loki's Wolves by KL Armstrong and the sequel Odin's Ravens
Here is a little extract from the blurb:
"In Viking times, Norse myths predicted the end of the world, an event called Ragnarok that only the gods can stop.  But the gods died a long time ago...."

The following week a Grade Six teacher sent a message to the library requesting this book.  His class had enjoyed the trailer and were keen to read the book.

Fire Girl by Matt Ralphs
Here is a little extract from the blurb:
"Perfectly ordinary Hazel Hooper has spent her whole life trapped in an isolated forest with her magic mother.  But everything changes when her mother is kidnapped - by a demon."

We have several very, very keen readers in our school library as you would expect but one boy in particular stands out.  He is in Grade 4 and often borrows a book one day and returns for a different one the next day.  Last week he borrowed this book and so I was curious.

Floors by Patrick Carman
I have read about 100 pages of the 276 and hope to finish this one tonight so I will tell you a little more soon.  Here is a extract from the blurb :
"There's no place on earth like the Whippet Hotel.  Every floor has its surprises and secrets. Guests are either mad or mysterious.  And ducks are everywhere."

In 2011 I read a funny little book called Small Change for Stuart.  I see now that I did not include it here in this blog so I will quickly re-read this first volume before opening the second.

Big Change for Stuart by Lissa Evans
"Ten year-old Stuart Horten has just learned that he's the owner of an incredible magician's workshop.  A workshop full of magnificent illusions.  Each one the gateway to a magical adventure."

This one has been on my pile for a few weeks and even though the beginning seems quite promising I am a little bit daunted by the length of 378 pages of very small print.  James O'Loghlin is a well known broadcaster here in Australia and I am sure he has written a terrific book I just need to settle down and read.

The adventures of Sir Roderick the not-very Brave by James O'Loghlin
"In a land where peace is threatened by assassin, invading armies and unhappy peasants, one knight must be brave enough to journey forth on  a great quest."

Finally this book is already famous even though it was only published very recently.  All children's literature fans know about Brian Selznick and his superb books The Invention of Hugo Cabret and Wonderstruck.

The Marvels by Brian Selzick

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