Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Big by Tim Hopgood

Yesterday I talked about Little Answer by Tim Hopgood.  I think Big is even better.  Size is such an abstract concept.  When a new Kindergarten child enters our school library it looks so BIG.  When students call in to visit after they have left Primary and headed off to High School the first thing every student says is 'wow this library looks so small!'

I think my favourite page comes early in the book when the little boy explains he is growing bigger and the evidence for this is that he can now see his face in the bathroom mirror.  The illustration is just perfect.

If you need a way to explain the way size is relative think about these words :

"To an ant, I'm a ginormous giant. But next to a bear I'm really quite small."  The accompanying text on these pages moves from large to tiny which adds to the fun.

You could pair this book with I'm coming to get you illustrated by Satoshi Kitamura which has the most perfect surprise ending.  You might also enjoy Counting on Frank and How big is big which was written by some students at a Primary school here in Sydney.  I mention Counting on Frank because it jumped into my mind when I read the words "Next to a popcorn I'm massive.  I must be at least 500 popcorns tall."  Here is a maths lesson everyone would enjoy.

I would also link this book with a very old title - Leo the late bloomer which is the perfect book to explore the idea of growing and changing with young children.

Once you have read Big you will want to set up one of those height measuring charts or use a door frame in your home as you explore the idea of growing taller with a young child.

Here is an interview with Tim Hopgood.  I can see we will need to add many more of his special picture books to our library collection.

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