Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Doldrums : A badly planned adventure by Nicholas Gannon

"Out of the thousands of children born every single day, at least one of them will turn out to be a dreamer."

This is book is utterly scrumptious.  Start here with a dip into the very impressive author web site.  You can see the wonderful illustrations, meet the characters, view videos and generally get a feeling for the look, tone and feel of this book.

Archer B Helmsley must be destined to follow in the footsteps of his adventurous explorer grandparents but his mother, and to a lesser extent his father, are determined to prevent this.  Archer has become a prisoner in his own home.  And what a home it is.  Every room is filled with artefacts and taxidermy gathered by Grandpa and Grandma Helmsley.  When news reaches the family that the grandparents have been lost while exploring an iceberg Antarctica things become even worse for Archer.  Luckily he has a wonderful friend living next door.  Oliver Glub has a very different temperament but he is a loyal friend.  A new girl moves into their neighbourhood - Adelaide L Belmont.  She has had her own life tragedy but she is a strong, fearless and wonderful friend.  Now the three of them must find a way to travel to Antarctica and rescue the Helmsley elders.

The adults are determined to prevent this. They range from despicable to indifferent except for the wonderful school librarian!

Things become especially difficult for our friends when the new teacher - Mrs Murkley - arrives.

"Mrs Murkley, a rather bulbous woman with little neck to spare ..."

Read this Canadian review.

You might also enjoy Secret Letters from 0-10, Withering by Sea, Rooftoppers and The Danger Box by Blue Balliett

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