Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Herman's holiday by Tom Percival

Herman's Holiday is the second book about this special pair of friends.  Take a look at Herman's letter which is a book I discovered exactly one year ago.

Herman's holiday has such important messages:

  • We are all different
  • Not everyone likes the same thing
  • Sometimes you need to consider another point of view
  • Kindness is important
Herman and Henry decide to take a holiday but their funds are low.  They settle on a camping trip. Herman is a born camper. He takes all the right gear and he even knows how to keep his donkey moving in the right direction.  Henry has the opposite experience.  When they arrive at their camping spot they each compose a postcard to send home.

Herman writes
"Dear Uncle Harold
We're having an AMAZING time camping!
Henry's really getting into the swing of it.
He even went for a swim last night.
What fun!"

Henry writes
"Dear Aunt Winifred,
Have you ever been camping?  Well,
if you haven't, DON'T, it's AWFUL.
I'm cold, soaking wet and bored.

PS Can you please post me some hot chocolate, I forgot to bring any."

Herman finally notices that Henry is not having a great time.  His solution is kind, ingenious and utterly perfect.

One special feature of this book is the 'real' postcards that you can lift and read. Take a look at the author web site.  The publisher site has a set of activities to use with this book.  This video shows you how to draw Herman.  Here is a detailed review.

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