Sunday, September 4, 2016

Book Week 2016

Book Week 2016

We had another huge week in our school for Book Week which we celebrated one week later than the official dates because I was attending the 35th IBBY Congress.

Here is a list of some of the ways we celebrated :

  • Our teachers were sent 10 Australian and book/reading related poems to share each day
  • We prepared a set of Book Week songs using lyrics written by our students and well known simple tunes
  • On Monday the library hosted a games lunch for card games and board games
  • On Tuesday we held one of our popular movie lunches. This movie has no connection with the Book Week slogan but I knew it would be a new one for the children and we do have the book in our library so we watched Q Pootle 5 by Nick Butterworth .
  • On Wednesday, Thursday and Friday groups of young students came to the library to complete craft activities linked with the 2016 slogan Australia : Story Country
  • Our youngest students participated in a 'Name the Kangaroo' task.  Winning name "Blueroo".

Over 400 students participated in our thinking challenges

1.  Puzzle me a puzzle - the winner here is a game with tiny books which you toss into those score cups.  You can also see a find-a-word.

2.  We need a new icon to replace Vegemite.  Gum mite is made from gum nuts and essence of wattle.

3.  Prepare some pages for an Australian A to Z (Animals or plants)

4.  Draw a story map using our school and adding your imagination or design the cover and blurb for a story book about an animal that visits our school.

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