Monday, November 12, 2018

Redwall by Brian Jacques Audio Book

Redwall is one of those books that lingers in the mind long after reading. I first read about Matthais and the Abbey at Redwall back in 1986. Recently I spied the audio book of Part One The Wall and so I have spent a delightful few weeks revisiting this wonderful text. It is only part one of the first book so now I have bought the classic edition and will revisit part 2 and 3 over the coming weeks.

Listen to an audio sample here. The real treat is hearing Brian Jacques himself! Sadly he died in 2011.  Here is the first episode from the animated television series.  If you are new to this series you can read a summary of the plot here.

Here are some book covers for Redwall.

There are so many books in this series - a total of 22 plus extras such as this cookbook which I would love to see. The food mentioned in the Redwall series is one aspect I really enjoyed.

"Tender freshwater shrimp garnished with cream and rose leaves; deviled barley pearls in acorn puree; apple and carrot chews; marinated cabbage stalks steeped in cream white turnip with nutmeg."

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