Thursday, December 27, 2018

Endling Book One - The Last by Katherine Applegate

An endling is the last known individual of a species or subspecies. Once the endling dies, the species becomes extinct. 
Source Wikipedia

If you want to say something about life to other people 
you should tell them a story - Manning Clark

Literature offers us images to think with - Aidan Chambers

There is a quote on the first page of this book:

In nature nothing exists alone.  Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, 1962

The idea of existing alone is at the heart of Endling, The Last. Byx is a Dairne. She is the youngest member of her family. The smallest one, the runt. She sets out exploring one day but when she returns she sees a horrible scene. Her whole pack has been massacred. Does this mean Byx is now an endling- the last member of her species?

"Dairnes were often mistaken for dogs. We share many physical similarities. Dogs, however, lack opposable thumbs They can't walk upright. They aren't able to glide from tree to tree. They can't speak to humans."

Byx is convinced she is not the last. There must be other dairnes somewhere. But how will Byx find the others? Who will help her? And can she trust her companions?

One very special and important trait of the dairnes is their ability to detect lies. Dairnes are one of the six governing species along with humans, raptidons, felivets, terramants and natites. Every species is important. And so are the mezzitti - the lesser species such as wobbyks, starlons and gorellis. Below the mezzitti are  Inferritti - chimps, whales, crickets and so on.

"The six governing species may not prey on one another."

That is the decree but it seems this has been overturned. The dairne's ability to tell truth from falsehood is deemed a threat by the humans. They are determined to exterminate every member of this species.

Along with the beautifully created world of this book there are some brave and feisty characters who you will adore. Tobble - the wobbyk, Khara a human girl who is a poacher and Gambler - a felivet. Felivets are a type of giant cat "huge and sleek, his coat pure black except for a series of delicate white stripes on his face. His long, muscular tail reminded me far too much of a serpent."

I also love all the amazing animals in this book. There is a scene where our group witness a mass migration of land animals. We learn about garilans (deep crimson, six legs, spiral horns and golden tails), tirralopes and xia deer.

This book has been on my to read list all this year but I felt the hardcover copy was beyond my budget. I was so thrilled when I saw a paperback copy in a city book store last week. I read this book over two days very late into the night but then when I finished I had very serious withdrawal symptoms. I kept picking it up longing to go back into the world of Byx, Tobble, Gamble and Khara.

Here is a set of thoughtful discussion questions and a set of questions with Katherine. Before you read this book take a look at the trailer. It is perfect. I have already talked about several books by Katherine Applegate including Wishtree (my book of the year for 2018), The One and Only Ivan and Crenshaw.

"It's humans who hate your kind. ... 
They hate that you make it impossible for them to lie."

"These humans do not understand the balance in life. 
They do not understand that their will to dominate and control, 
to use and abuse, is destructive to all"

Read some reviews:

I am a little confused as School library journal said  "Illustrations and maps will help young readers imagine the rich setting filled with fantastical creatures that vie for power in Nedarra."
There was no map in my copy but perhaps this is a feature of the hardcover edition.

The second book of this trilogy -  Endling, The First is, as I write this page, over 130 days away! I can hardly wait.

It's been a wonderful year for fantasy books. Here are some I have adored:

Great news this is now available in paperback. I want to rush out and buy a copy for everyone this Christmas!

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