Sunday, January 27, 2019

Crossing Ebenezer Creek by Tonya Bolden

Crossing Ebenezer Creek is a Young Adult title. I am just putting that here as my first comment because this blog usually focuses on Picture books, Junior novels and Middle Grade fiction.

Many years ago I read Nightjohn by Gary Paulsen. It is a story that deeply affected me. More recently I read Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson. This is also a very powerful novel. I find I am fascinated by the years of slavery in American history. I read Crossing Ebenezer Creek in one sitting - yes it is that good.

Crossing Ebenezer Creek is based on real events. The story opens with freedom. Mariah has suffered so much at the hands of her white masters. She has witnessed the death of her parents and extreme cruelty to those around her. Mariah is a beautiful soul. She deeply cares for others and she has a dream for the future.

The group of slaves begin their difficult and dangerous march to freedom. Mariah and her group are joined by a young man called Caleb. He is kind to the group and especially caring of Mariah. It is clear he is falling in love with this special girl but Caleb has horrors in his past too. The fate of this group is in the hands of Union soldiers and not all of them are sympathetic to the plight of the slaves.

The final scenes are truly terrible. There is no happy ending in this important Young Adult title but the truth of the emotions and the raw descriptions of their experiences make this a gripping read.

Read this SLJ review for more plot details.

What makes this story memorable is the strength and clarity of the many narrative voices that weave their way through its pages. The rough dialects of Mariah, Caleb and the host of other characters breathe life into their stories, giving them a voice and a presence that defies the silence of history. Children's Book Review

A poetic, raw, and extraordinary imagining of a little-known, shameful chapter in American history. Kirkus Star review

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