Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Shock Monday by Gillian Bradshaw illustrated by David Cox

Tuesday Treasure

I love the idea of using picture books to support class work especially incidental topics such as Walk Safely to School day.  Shock Monday is the perfect book (and perhaps it is the ONLY book) that teachers can use to promote discussion with younger children about the benefits of walking to school.

It is Monday. Mum declares they will all walk to school - Tom, his sister Miriam and Mum. Why? The car is not broken. Mum explains walking saves petrol, cuts down on pollution and gives everyone a chance to exercise. But this is just the start.

"Breathe the air,' commanded Mum.
What did she think we were breathing?"

Tom is not so sure. His bag is heavy and there is a small hill to climb. As the journey continues Tom meets a boy from his school called Wan Hing and the pair chat and walk together. Tom has made a new friend. Then Tom begins to notice is surroundings. He sees birds such as rozellas and cuckoo shrikes. He also sees poppies like the ones from Remembrance day. Suddenly they are at the school crossing. Time for mum to say goodbye.

"I thought, 'No no kisses.
My friends are around.'
You know how it is.
But she did.
It was Shock Monday all right!"

Shock Monday was published in 1999 and so it is out of print but I would urge school libraries to hold onto this book and share it with teachers when they focus on Walk Safely to School Day which is usually held in May in Australia. In the UK this initiative is called Living Streets. Here is a short video where you can read comments by children about the benefits of walking to school. You could also link this book with other themes such as mindfulness, starting school and days of the week.

Other books about walking and observing the world are I Went Walking by Sue Williams (for preschool), The Listening Walk (video here) and My little world by Julia Cooke.

One more book that would be fun to use for this topic is the tall tale by Jill Murphy On the Way Home. This is a book which makes an excellent writing stimulus. Here are two cover designs.

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