Sunday, February 2, 2020

Jasper and Scruff series by Nicola Colton

Smart kitty. Mucky pup. Here comes trouble ...

Are you a naturally tidy and organised person?  Or are you a messy type?
Are you part of the 'in crowd'? Or do you long to join them?
Does disorder worry you? Or are you happiest when you make a 'mess'?

These are some key questions raised by this little book - Jasper and Scruff - The Cool Cat Club.

Jasper is a very dapper cat.  He lives a totally organised life but one thing is missing - membership of The Sophisticats which is the coolest cat club in town.

Jasper invites members of the club over to his grand apartment for dinner. He cleans and tidies up his already tidy house and sets off to buy ingredients for a delicious meal.

It is at this point that things go wrong for Jasper.  A small dog called Scruff bounces onto the path. The groceries are spilled and worse this messy, dirty little dog wants to play. Jasper tried hard to get rid of Scruff by suggesting games of fetch and hide and seek but to no avail. The little dog keeps turning up at Jasper's apartment and his important guests have begun to arrive.  Total chaos!

I highly recommend this book for newly independent readers and perhaps also as a class read aloud book for Grade One or Grade Two. This book is a winner!

I loved Jasper's collection of bow ties. Make sure you allow enough time to talk about Jasper's amazing art collection which references so many famous art works - The Girl with the Pearl Earing; Sunflowers; Monet's garden; and even a Faberge egg.

The second Jasper and Scruff book is due for release today!  The first book has been renamed The Cool Cat Club and the title Jasper and Scruff now refers to the series.

Odd-couple fun for a new generation. Kirkus

Jasper really needed Scruff to come along and shake up his world-view, and the chaos this little pup brings is so much better for Jasper than the approval of the snooty, mean Sophisticats. And Scruff is just so cute! He’s drawn in such an energetic, messy, scribbly way that you instantly get a sense of how very different from Jasper he is. Oh, the visuals in this book are just such a treat… A cat and a Book and a Cup of Tea

Check out some other books which explore the idea of unlikely friends.

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