Friday, March 13, 2020

My first book of Patterns by Bobby and June George art by Boyoun Kim

Recently someone posted a question on a forum asking for picture books for an inquisitive three year old. Books with a rich vocabulary. I think this book would be perfect but it will also appeal to older readers - much older readers! When I received this book as a gift I showed it to a twenty-five year old who enjoyed the concept of this book and confessed to not knowing the names of some of the patterns explored in this book. She was intrigued by the beautiful book design and presentation of the concept of pattern.

In forty pages this book explores combination of lines, diamonds, circles, squares, circles and teardrops.  And then reveals patterns with names like stripes, plaid, chevron, harlequin, argyle and paisley. There are three sections to each pattern - the shape, the pattern and then a bright page showing the pattern in action. These pages are sure to lead to some good discussion and lively questions.

Take a look at the book trailer here. This book comes from two Montessori educators. I highly recommend this for children aged 1-3. Take a look at work of the illustrator Boyoun Kim.

Concepts of order, repetition, part and whole, colors, and shapes are all effortlessly introduced and applied. The page turns are perfect and will have little ones excitedly yelling out what patterns the shapes make. The Picture Book Review

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