Monday, March 30, 2020

Poo Bum by Stephanie Blake Translated by Linda Burgess

"Once there was a little rabbit who could only say one thing ... "

On my last visit to the Book Bunker at Westmead Children's Hospital I picked up a few funny books to share with my reading group at a local school. Sadly I can no longer go to the Bunker at this time and my visit to the school was also cancelled but I thought I would share this book with you.

I can only guess what my little group might think about this book but I think it would make them laugh after the initial shock of a teacher uttering the forbidden words - poo bum!

In every situation the little rabbit can only reply poo bum. When mum wakes him up; When dad tells him to eat his spinach; When his big sister invites him to take a bath; And when a wolf asks him:

"May I eat you, my little rabbit?"  You know the answer!

"And so the wolf ate the little rabbit."

At home the wolf himself now has a problem. He can only say the words poo bum. The wolf calls the doctor. "The very brave doctor went looking for his little rabbit."  Have you guessed the identity of the doctor - he is little rabbit's dad! The doctor rescues his son and discovers a big change in his little boy. But wait for the last page - there is a new, also shocking, word coming!

Poo Bum is published by the wonderful Gecko Press. They specialise in bringing us books from other countries. Poo Bum was originally published in French under the title "Caca boudin."  Listen to the French version here - it has brilliant sound effects. 

 It will please children, both its use of rude words and its sly endorsement of children’s resistance to and manipulation of adults. Books for Keeps

Poo Bum is outstanding. It’s wicked and naughty and just far enough past that edge of inappropriate to feel naughty, but not to far so that people get alienated. Did you ever stop to think (Blog)

Stephanie Blake has a whole series of funny books about the little rabbit. These are well worth hunting out so you can enjoy a laugh with your children during this difficult time.

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