Monday, May 11, 2020

Hello Hello by Brian Wenzel

This book just oozes with design decisions from the rainbow coloured lettering and curious creatures on the cover to the riotous end papers filled with all the animals in grey scale at the front of the book and full colour at the back.  Every page is a visual delight.  The dust jack flap sums this up:

"a seemingly simple look at similarities and differences becomes a story of connection - a joyous ode to the natural world, in all its diversity and wonder."

Here is a text sample:

Hello hello black and white
Hello color hello bright.
Hello stripes hello spots
Hello giant hello not.

Hello Hello is also perfect for so many ages from the very young child who will delight in the rhymes and colour to the middle primary reader with an interest in endangered, threatened and vulnerable animals. The list of 92 animals depicted in this book will give you many options for research for example the Secretary Bird, Senegal galago, bi-color dottyback, the mudpuppy and the tiger-leg frog may all be new creatures to you - they certainly are to me.

This is also a book to show an art student - Brendan Wenzel uses so many techniques in his work and all set against a stark white background.

Take a look at the book trailer from Chronicle Books. You can see pages from the book on the blog Picture Book Builders.

Dynamic images cavorting, reclining, flying, or dancing across and around stark white pages snag both emotions and imaginations. The spare, rhyming text united by the bridging greeting of “Hello” places all creatures on the same interconnected playing field. Kirkus Star review

Hello Hello is the perfect book to use for Book Week in Australia in 2020.  This year the CBCA slogan/theme is:

I was suprised today to find a company that are making T-shirts with the slogan.  Click the link below to read more and see the full range of colours.

Hello Hello is also available as a board book:

Just to help your curiosity here is a Senegal galago and a Mudpuppy.

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