Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Epic Race by Marie Dorleans

"They're off. The competitors take off at a brisk pace, amid a deafening roar. The horses leap forward, the rides hold on tight, the spectators cheer. Meanwhile ..."

I love this word - meanwhile. The page turn is perfectly placed at this point. Turn the page and we see the riders at the back of group "still trying to cross the starting line." The officials disqualify the donkey, rocking horse and statue. But something crazy is happening. Some riders in the race are reclining on chairs, some have come off their mounts and are flying along holding the tail of the horse and one guy has attached a rocket to his back!

Wait a minute. As the horses almost reach the finish line a small white mouse steps onto the track. CRASH.  But one rider is determined to carry on - literally - carry on by carrying his horse on his own back all the way to the finish line!

"But alas, when the trophy is awarded, the rider doesn't quite get the prize he was hoping for ... "

Do you remember the scene in My Fair Lady at the races? The opening pages of The Epic Race

This is the PERFECT book to share with any Primary school class on Melbourne Cup day which might be why the Australian publisher Wilkins Farago invested in translating this book from French into English.  Translation by Philippine McDonald.

I would link this book with The Emperor's new Clothes Horse by Tony Wilson illustrated by Sue DeGennaro.

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