Sunday, July 26, 2020

Are your Stars like my Stars? by Leslie Helakoski illustrated by Heidi Woodward Sheffield

"When you look at the world everyday,
You and me.
Do we see the same things?
Do you see what I see?"

What do these children see? Colours - blue, yellow, brown, green, red, pink, black and white.

"When you stare at the stars,
do you see the same light?
Does it glow in the darkness?
Is your white ... like my white?"

Blurb: "Picture the wonderful colours you see every day and imagine how others experience them. No matter where you live, all children gaze at a blue sky, bask in the warmth of a golden sun, dig in rich brown dirt, and stare at white glowing stars. But do you think all of us, everywhere, share the very same colours of the world? This gentle poetic read-aloud book encourages young children to consider how colour is experienced all over the world."

I love the gentle "message" of this book and the collage illustrations by Heidi Woodward Sheffield are rich and luxurious. I should also mention the origami stars on the end papers are just beautiful.

I would pair this book any books in your library about colours along with this book:

Image Source: Book Mama.

Leslie Helakoski is a new discovery of mine. Here are some of her other books:

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