Wednesday, August 19, 2020

The list of things that will not change by Rebecca Stead


This is a heartfelt personal account where Bea (Beatrice) gives us an insight in to her family and the changes she has to navigate during the year she has turned ten.

Mum and Dad have split up and so Bea now spends time in each of their houses. It all seems quite complicated but I am sure many middle grade readers will identify with arrangements like these: 

MONDAY dad; TUESDAY mum; WEDNESDAY dad; THURSDAY mum; FRIDAY is part of the weekend; the weekend is Friday and Saturday. The weekend alternates. SUNDAY also alternates. 

Luckily Bea has a list of things that will not change. Her mum and dad love her; mum and dad love each other "but in a different way."; Bea's two homes will never be far apart; and "we are still a family, but in a different way."

The difference is dad has found true love in a new same sex relationship. Bea really likes his new partner Jesse. She also likes Jesse's sister Sheila. Bea has one very special friend - Angus and over time she has developed a friendly relationship with her counselor who offers good advice and coping strategies. Everything in Bea's life should be okay but she carries some heavy guilt. Now dad and Jesse are getting married which is also fine but Bea discovers Jesse and Shelia have a brother called Mission. The aptly named Mission is on a mission to stop the wedding and it was Bea who sent him the invitation.

Colby Sharp loved this book - he says "it will burrow into your heart."  "An unforgettable novel."

Uplifting without sentimentality, timely not trendy, and utterly engaging. Kirkus Star review

You can read more plot details on these reviews from Book Page, Ms Yingling and Book Trust.  I would pair this book with these:

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