Friday, May 7, 2021

Collage artist Shari Halpern


Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a tree, up went the Pussy-Cat, and down went he, down came the Pussy-Cat, away Robin ran; says little Robin Redbreast: 'Catch me if you can!'. 

Little Robin Redbreast sat upon a spade, Pussy-Cat jumped after him and then he was afraid. Little Robin chirped and sang' and what did Pussy say? Pussy-Cat said: 'Mew, mew, mew,' and Robin flew away.

I was reading some Mother Goose nursery rhyme books recently (Mother Goose Day is May 1st) and I found this beautiful edition of Little Robin Redbreast. The illustrations in this book are glorious. They are very similar to the work of the famous Eric Carle. I do love collage

Finding this book made me curious to see more books with collage by Shari Halper.

Here are some I have found - sadly nearly all are now out of print but you might be lucky and find one or two in a library - my former school library had this one The Apple Pie Tree.

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