Thursday, May 6, 2021

Five More Minutes by Marta Altés

This is a perfect book to talk about here on this blog because this is a book about time - about how we use our time, about the meaning of time, about different perceptions of time. As you know my blog is all about time for reading!

Dad says:

"Just five more minutes" early in the morning after he is woken by his energetic children

"We have no time"  as they rush to get out the door and off to school and work

"it's time to go" but an hour is not long enough, we've only just begun our game

"Time goes very fast" but that simply untrue when you are waiting for those cupcakes to cook!

After all this discussion about time the best part comes at the end of the day when there is TIME for a bedtime story or two or three. This book is about family life, it is about taking time to enjoy the special and everyday things in our world, it is about love, and it is a perfect book to share with your young child.

I loved the wisdom and voices of the young children and the illustrations are filled with delightful scenes from family life.  If you want to talk about the concept of time I have a Pinterest collection.

Here are some other books by Marta Altes:

A brilliant book to read when you have five minutes (and even when you don’t!). Picture Book Perfect

This original and adorable story about how differently little ones and adults experience time will be utterly relatable for anyone with a young family, and has a gorgeous ending which celebrates the best time of the day – storytime (even if poor dad falls asleep). Book Trust

I'm sure you will also think of this famous book as a companion read:

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