Saturday, May 29, 2021

Love by Sophia by Jim Averbeck illustrated by Yasmin Ismail

"Art!' cried Grand-mama. 'A six-year-old could do this!' Sophia refrained from pointing out that a six-year-old had."

Ms Paradigm sets the class an assignment. The children have to draw something they love. Sophia tries to paint and draw but nothing looks right until Ms Paradigm explains about perspective. Noodle, Sophia's giraffe friend, helps her understand how this works. When her painting is completed Sophia takes it to show her family. Mother is a judge; father is a businessman; Uncle Conrad is a politician and Grand-mama is the head curator. Sophia is sure her art work should be displayed on the family refrigerator. No one seems to agree with her until she is able to change their perspective.

This is another Sophia book which is filled with utterly delicious words: leniency; injunction; free market; public sector; consideration; radical; avant-garde;and despondent. There is a glossary at the back of the book with an explanation of each word.

This is the third book in the series. All three books should be added to every Primary school library. These books are truly special. You can see some illustrations from Love by Sophia here.

If you want to talk about perspective with a young child try to find this book by Pat Hutchins.

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