Sunday, June 27, 2021

Old Worlds, New Worlds, Other Worlds - exploring short listed book creators part 2


This is my fourth post for the 2021 Book Week celebration. In this post I will focus on the body of work of the Authors and Illustrators who are featured on the Picture Book of the Year short list. Make sure you take advantage of the amazing work of the CBCA which you find on this site. Click on the "Read More' tab for each book to see the CBCA Judges comments; reviews; author/illustrator links and more.

Freya Blackwood The Unwilling Twin

Freya has worked with some of the biggest names in Australian children's literature - Mem Fox; Libby Gleeson, Margaret Wild and the late Jan Ormerod. I especially love her two books which feature the poems of Banjo Patterson. Did you know the US version of Amy and Louis had a different title - Half a World away. Freya has also done three books as author and illustrator. My most favourite book illustrated by Freya is My Two Blankets. This book was featured by two Canadian academics at an IBBY (USBBY) conference in Seattle and I was pleased to include this book when I spoke at the Texas Book Festival. I also love the power of her illustrations in My Two Summers.

Meg McKinlay and Matt Ottley How to make a bird

Meg McKinlay has some terrific picture books many of which are sure to be in most Australian Primary school libraries.  I had a colleague who loved to read 'The truth about Penguins' (not pictured).

In this video Matt talks about How to make a Bird.

Here are my two favourite Matt Ottley titles and below this is a collage of other gems worth finding in a well stocked school library:

Philip Bunting Not Cute

Philip Bunting has over 25 books covering diverse subjects. His work is underpinned with extensive research but presented with a light touch and tons of humour. Here are some of his animal titles which you could compare or read alongside Not Cute.

Here is Philip's newest book due at the end of July.

And here a few more of his books:

Bob Graham Ellie's Dragon

Take a look at my post about Ellie's Dragon. Bob Graham cross references so many of his previous books - Let's get pup; Home in the Rain; Max; A bus called Heaven; Dimity Dumpty; Queenie the Bantam; How to Heal a Broken Wing; Jethro Bird Fairy Child; and The Poesy Ring. Here are some of my own favourite books by Bob Graham. His books have been short listed by the CBCA multiple times and he has won awards with the CBCA eight times. Jethro Bird, Fairy Child won the prestigious Kate Greenaway medal in 2002.

Maggie Hutchings and Felicita Sala Your birthday was the best

I love I saw Pete and Pete saw me by Maggie Hutchings. I expected it to be short listed this year. It did make the Notable list. Maggie is the author of Fairy, Unicorn, Mermaid, and Dragon illustrated by Cheryl Orsini.

Felicita Sala, who lives in Rome, has a very impressive body of work and a number of international awards. Here are a few of her books:

I am keen to see this book series by Ellen Potter illustrated by Felicia. Each book has around 140 pages which is a terrific length for a easy chapter book.

Gabriel Evans Norton and the bear

Western Australian author/illustrator Gabriel Evans has six book including his sequel to Norton and the Bear - Norton and the Borrowing Bear which is due out in September and his new book Little One (by Jane Godwin) will be published at the end of July. By the way several book seller sites list Little One as 320 pages but it is in fact a 32 page picture book!

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