Saturday, July 3, 2021

Danny Chung does not do Maths by Maisie Chan illustrated by Ahn Cao

Danny is an only child. His Chinese parents run a successful takeaway food business. The family live above their business. Danny is under some pressure from his Ma and Ba to succeed at school and to progress to university and a 'good job' but Danny is not keen on school. His main passion is drawing.

His mother and father are friends with Mr and Mrs Yee. Danny calls them Auntie and Uncle but they are not related to the Chung family. Early in the morning, as this book begins, Uncle Yee arrives with a bunk bed for Danny's room. Danny is told to expect a surprise. What he does not expect is that the surprise will be his tiny grandmother or Nai Nai. And the surprises continue. Nai Nai claims the top bunk. The Easter holidays have just begun and Ma and Ba expect Danny to entertain Nai Nai. She cannot speak a word of English and Danny cannot speak or understand her regional Chinese dialect. 

Then Nai Nai discovers bingo. Danny discovers Nai Nai has a talent for numbers. He is supposed to be working on a maths project. It seems impossible but somehow there is a way for Nai Nai to help and along the way Danny learns a lot about being a friend, about being a grandson and about his own family heritage. 

I read this book in almost one sitting - yes it is that good. Danny is a likeable kid albeit a kid with flaws. His grandmother Nai Nai does not speak English, in fact she barely speaks at all in this book but I just loved her. She is feisty, she is wise, she is child-like, she is funny, she loves her grandson Danny and she is here to stay!

Maisie Chan’s debut novel is a warm-hearted and utterly convincing slice of family life and, what’s more, stars the kind of family too rarely seen in UK children’s literature. Books for Keeps

There's a lot of humour through the book, and some wonderful illustrations. The chapters aren't too long, and the language is accessible, so all of these things help make the book engaging and easy to read. The Boook Bag

Read an interview with Maisie Chan. Listen to an audio sample from Chapter One. Here is the US cover which I really like. It also has a different illustrator Natelle Quek.

Huge thanks to Beachside Bookshop for my advance reader copy of this terrific UK book which was published in June 2021. I am keen to see the finished book with illustrations by Ahn Cao.

Companion reads:

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