Monday, August 30, 2021

If Only ... by Mies van Hout translated by David Colmer

"The child thought, 

If only I were a butterfly.

Then I could fly everywhere."

"The whirligig beetle thought,
If only I were a firefly.
Then I'd never be scared of the dark."

You might like to begin with my previous post about the wonderful Dutch illustrator Mies van Hout.

Which insect would you like to be? Stick insects blend in; bees have lots of friends; ladybugs are adorable; and grasshoppers can jump over things.

If only ... is such a terrific title. So much to talk and think about.  If you love the illustrations of Eric Carle then you are sure to equally love this book. On the final pages, Mies gives her readers a page of instructions on how to make collage art. She also has a double page spread with extra facts about each of the insects found in this book. I didn't know about whirligig beetles - they have this name because they swim in fast circles on the surface of the water.

Publisher blurb Pajama Press: What child has not daydreamed about having wings like a butterfly? But secretly, the flashy butterfly yearns for a stick insect’s privacy. And the stick insect wants to swim like a whirligig beetle.  One after the other, the denizens of bestselling author-illustrator Mies van Hout’s vibrant garden landscape wish to be like somebody else. From the glowing firefly to the capable spider to the adorable ladybugs, each one brings something to be admired. And when the dragonfly wishes to be like a child who can run, play, laugh, and build, a world of possibilities opens up.  A gentle but effective story for social emotional learning, If Only… allows children to reach their own conclusions and acknowledge that while it’s common to compare ourselves to others, it’s best to remember and celebrate what we ourselves can do.

If you speak Dutch here is a video where Mies talks about her book. The Dutch title is Was ik maar... You can see the ants from this book - I think they are terrific.

This new book (published 2021) is quite expensive here in Australia but if you have a little money I highly recommend adding this book to the collection of a preschool or primary school library. Here is a very detailed teacher guide from Pajama Press (Canada).

This gentle celebration of differences also promotes an appreciation of others’ strengths and quietly emphasises relationships within the animal kingdom. Kirkus

A visual delight, this picture book offers openings for conversation about wishes, predictions, and one’s own enviable strengths. School Library Journal

Other reviewers use words such as luminous, radiant, vivid and thought-provoking.

It seems obvious to pair this book with the books of Eric Carle and other illustrators who use collage but another possibility for a book to read along side If Only could be this very old book about being happy with who you are - The Mouse with the too long tail. Sadly this book, which I adore, is long out of print but you might find a copy in a library.  

One more thing - here is the bee page - it is scrumptious.

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