Friday, October 8, 2021

Love your Bookshop Day

Tomorrow, 9th October, is Love your Bookshop Day. Sadly our city is still in lockdown until next week but I thought I would list some of my favourite book shops here and overseas as a thank you to all the book sellers who work so hard to promote wonderful books. Have you ever thought about how much reading a bookseller is expected to do fitting this into their spare time while opening their shop up to seven days a week. A bookseller also needs a prodigious memory because customer enquiries are often very complex. 

For example - some months ago (before our latest lock down) I was in a local book shop. I enjoy eavesdropping on the conversations in book shops.  This customer said "I need an alphabet book for an adult new English learner. I has to look sophisticated and not like a children's book." The young book seller tried really hard to satisfy this difficult request but, sadly, from memory the customer left empty handed. There would be books to assist this enquiry but of course that shop, any bookshop, is limited by the books they actually have on hand. (Note I think I might have sent this lady to a library!).

AND I also utterly appreciate book sellers who keep their shops tidy and organised. I know from working in a school library this is a very necessary but also exhausting task that has to be completed every day. If you go into a well organised tidy bookshop remember to thank the staff - they are sure to appreciate your kindness. 

Local Bookshops I like to visit:

Australian Bookshops I browse online and follow on Social Media:

International Bookshops I follow on Social Media:

Of course you will also want to read a book or two about book shops:

1 comment:

  1. It was lovely to meet you and to have you visit our shop! xxxx
