Monday, June 20, 2022

Meet the illustrator Susan L Roth

I saw a beautiful book on display in the library I visit each week - Parrots over Puerto Rico and the Teacher-Librarian commented that Susan L Roth was one of her favourite illustrators. I can see why - the collage illustrations in Parrots over Puerto Rico are utterly amazing and this is the front cover which showcases her art. You will notice there is no title or author label just the glorious parrots.

Read this review which explains the plight of these endangered birds

Susan L Roth comes from New York. She is the illustrator of over fifty books. About her art she says: 

"I don't paint. Over the years I have developed my collage technique into one which is exclusively faithful to cutting and tearing. From the most complete background papers to the tiniest dots of eyes and I's, I only cut or rip. This has become a real issue for me. I wear my "no pencils, pens nor paints" sign like a badge of honor. I feel as if even a pinpoint of India ink would be a betrayal and a sin, a misrepresentation of my chosen, truly loved, medium."

I found a video where you can see inside some books by Susan L Roth. Here are some of her titles:

I was quite surprised to discover Susan L Roth wrote an illustrated a book with an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander folk tale which we know as Tiddalick the frog who caused a frog.

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