Tuesday, November 29, 2022

Bees are our Friends by Toni D'Alia illustrated by Alice Lindstrom

You may know I volunteer in the Book Bunker library at Westmead Children's Hospital. A couple of weeks ago a mum asked for a book to share with her toddler that contained lots of flowers. We searched and searched but sadly didn't really find a book for this child.

I have suggested these to the library coordinator.

Today I spied this book about bees and discovered it is full of collage flowers in bright colours by Melbourne illustrator Alice Lindstrom .  If we had put flowers or gardens as subject headings in our catalogue I might have discovered this beautiful book which was published this year and would have been just right for this young child. This shows you the importance of a library catalogue - adding as many subject headings as you can for that 'just in case' moment. Our library use a centralised cataloguing service (SCIS) which is also used by most schools in Australia but there is always room to add additional headings. The library I visit each week do a fabulous job with this. I dream of one day having a copy of all the extra subject headings they have added to their catalogue.

Bees are our friends is available for a terrific price (under $20) . It would be a perfect addition to a preschool library or as a gift for a young child. 

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