Friday, April 14, 2023

Poppy and Rye by Avi illustrated by Brian Floca


In my last post I talked about Poppy by Avi which is the first book in this series from 1995. Books from this series are all still in print but they may be a little difficult to source here in Australia sadly.

Poppy has discovered the truth about Mr Ocax and now, after a fierce battle, she has defeated him and he is dead. Poppy has a wonderful, if somewhat cantankerous, new friend - Ereth - a porcupine. Ragweed is now gone but Poppy feels it is important to find his family and tell them what happened.

She sets off on the long journey and some what reluctantly her friend Ereth agrees to accompany her. On the way Poppy meets a mysterious mouse who looks exactly like Ragweed. 

"Almost overwhelmed with emotion, Poppy closed her eyes, spun, dipped, and danced some more. Then she opened her eyes. Standing before her was a mouse. Poppy gasped. For one indescribable moment she thought it was Ragweed. The mouse before her had the same orange-coloured fur. His whiskers were fair. His tail was not very long. His ears were small and round. ... Now the strange mouse extended his paws. Without a word he gently took Poppy's paws in his. At his touch Poppy felt a tingle ripple through her body. It was as if a feather had stroked her from her tail to her nose."

This stranger mouse then disappears but when Poppy finds Ragweed's family she sees him standing at the back of their tunnel home. She discovers his name is Rye. Rye, however has his own problems. He is sad to hear Ragweed has been killed but at the same time he is relieved that he no longer has to live under the shadow of his parents number one son. Rye decides this is the moment he should prove himself. Some beavers have set up a dam and the mouse family have been forced to flee their home. Rye finds a way into the den of the beavers but he is captured and held prisoner. Brave Poppy risks her own life to save Rye. She has fallen in love with him ever since they danced in the forest.

There are some very dramatic scenes in this book and the boss of the beavers Caster P Canad - the dam builder - has such a distinct and quirky character. Here is a sample from one of his speeches:

"Great balls of fire ... they're going to topple that boulder. If it comes down it'll hit the dam. It's ufair. It's wrongheaded. It's a matter of life and death. .... For the honour of Canad's Cute Condos ... we've got to draw the line somewhere. Give me a dam or give me death! Go the whole hog! Go for broke! Fight tooth and tail! Charge!"

Here are some review comments for Poppy and Rye

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