Thursday, June 29, 2023

I'm Sticking with you by Smriti Halls illustrated by Steve Small

Bear and Squirrel do everything together and they seem to be the best of friends until a small disaster with a sneeze upsets Squirrel so much she just walks away. At first Squirrel enjoys being alone but of course it does not take long for her to realise she does need her true friend.

Here is some of this text - which reads like a jolly song:

Wherever you're going, I'm going too.

Whatever you're doing, I'm sticking with you.

Whether you're grumpy, or silly, or mad,

Good times ... and bad times, happy or sad. 

Whatever you're thinking, I am ALL EARS,

I'm ready to listen to ALL your ideas.

I'm sticking with you was short listed for the Klaus Flugge Prize in 2021 and the Oscar's Book Prize. Here is an interview with the illustrator.

How did I miss this book? It is GEM - add it to your list today and then share it with a child. When I was judging the CBCA Picture Book of the Year in 2021 and 2022 we were sent so MANY book in rhyme and nearly all were, sorry to be blunt, nearly all were hopeless. This book should be supplied to authors as an exemplar of how to write a perfect rhyming picture book. The pace, page turns, and the way the rhythm is maintained are all perfect. I also marvel (again) at the way an illustrator can take a deceptively simply text and then interpret it in such a clever and very appealing way. Luckily the three books in this series are all still available. 

I have talked about the problems of rhyming in past posts.Take a look at this blog post:  Do you control the verse, or does the verse control you? by Michelle Robinson. As I already said, there is absolutely no problem with the rhyme in this book - it has been created with huge care. 

Here are the sequels - I'm Sticking with you too and Let's Stick Together.

The second book - I'm sticking with you too - is the tried and true trope of two is company three is a crowd but in this case, of course, Bear and Squirrel work out that Chicken should join their band and that a chicken can be a really good friend.

The third book - Let's stick together - blurb: Much-loved characters Bear and Squirrel are back and it's time to party! Squirrel is the expert at throwing parties and knows exactly what to do to make this the biggest and best EVER, but Bear isn't so sure and is feeling a bit shy. Can the two friends find a way to work through their worries and wobbles and stick together?

Take a look at Steve Small's web site.

Here is another book by Smriti Halls:

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