Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Boxes are fun


I have talked about boxes and books that feature boxes used for imaginative play in previous posts. This week I borrowed a terrific book from a school library - Box by Min Flyte illustrated by Rosalind Beardshaw Nosy Crow (2015) - sorry to say, though, this book is now out of print. 

Bookseller blurb: When four toddlers find some toys in cardboard boxes, they play with them for a while. But, before long, the friends' interest in the toys wanes and their attention turns to the boxes themselves. What could they do with SO many boxes, they wonder?

Thomas has a box. A lovely little box. What do you think is inside his box? 
(lift the flap) It's a drum. Can you guess what he'll do with his drum?

My friend has a tiny new nephew living in London - I do wish I could send the family Box which I thought of after watching a fun family video where this little boy climbs in and out of a box giggling every time he 'surprises' the attentive adults. 

Further evidence that, for young children at least, boxes are gifts that keep on giving. Kirkus

If you work in a preschool boxes and books about boxes could provide weeks of fun for every child. I do hope you might explore this idea. My friend from Kinderbookswitheverything has an enormous collection of books about cardboard boxes. Check out her Pinterest

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