Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The Big Freeze by Pippa Curnick


Llamas are not fans of Summer it is way too hot especially since they are already wearing warm coats but luckily after Summer comes Winter. Winter is the perfect season for llamas. Winter also means the Winter Woolly Party where everyone wears their fabulous, patterned sweaters. Granny Brock's shop is the very best place to buy a wonderful new sweater. This year this is especially urgent once Sharma and Bahama have discovered the moths have chomped right through their old woollies. The problem is the weather has now turned nasty and the shop is far away. The roads are covered in ice and snow and inevitably there is a terrible crash. 

Sharma and Bahama to the rescue. They just need to convince all the other animals that, with teamwork, they can build a new vehicle using pieces of the broken cars, ice cream truck and bicycles. 

"One little push and the snowmobile swept down the hill towards Granny Brock's shop." 

But oh no when they arrive, they see there is a huge line of others also waiting for new sweaters and by the time the friends reach the front of the queue Granny Brock has run out of stock. Time for another round of teamwork!

This is an inexpensive paperback book which you could add to your library. Fans of all those llama and alpaca books by Matt Cosgrove are sure to enjoy this book too. 

The Big Freeze is the perfect companion book to read before or after Frank's Red Hat.

Pippa Curnick is the author of this series:

And the illustrator of this series:

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