Sunday, October 22, 2023

Everywhere with You by Carlie Sorosiak illustrated by Devon Holzwarth

"Did you know,' the girl whispers,' that this is my favourite time of day? Being here with you?"

On one side of the fence there is a dog. He is all alone although I guess someone does feed him but he doesn't seem to ever leave that backyard. On the other side of the fence there is a girl. 

She pokes her fingers through the fence; then the next day she gives the dog a treat or two; and finally she sits by the fence and reads her book aloud:

"I hope you don't mind ... but I've noticed that no one ever plays with you - and I like reading aloud."

And so together - dog and girl - imagine themselves under the oceans with mermaids and sea treasures; the become sky pirates riding dragons; and magicians with silver wands. 

But days are long for the dog until one evening something happens and he finds a way to reach the girl's back door. 

Adult readers might find the ending a little improbable, but the 'happily ever after' feeling is sure to delight all young readers. 

The 2024 Children's Book Council of Australia slogan is Reading is Magic - here is a perfect book to use when you introduce this idea next year.  See inside Everywhere with You here

Carlie Sorosiak is the author of a terrific middle grade book about dogs:

Carlie Sorosiak also wrote Always, Clementine - I gave that book five stars. I previously talked about Found you by Devon Holzwarth

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