Friday, November 3, 2023

K.O.A.L.A. Kids Own Australian Literature Awards 2023

I was lucky to be invited to the KOALA winner's announcement yesterday along with sixteen authors and illustrators and children from eleven schools who bought their enthusiasm and love of reading to the event - they were loud and excited and then they were able to buy books (The Children's Bookshop) and meet their book heroes in person!

Actually, I was cheering too because Floof - a book I have talked about previously - was the Picture Book winner - hooray. 

I've also talked about Egg, Cop and Robber, The Way of Dog and The Dog Runner

The best part of the day for me was the way nearly every speaker championed the role of the Teacher-Librarian sharing books with young readers and the IMPORTANCE OF READING FOR PLEASURE!

Last year I talked about KOALA (Kids Own Australian Literature Awards) in detail so take a look at that post. 

The 2023 event was held at PLC Croydon. I went for a walk around the streets near the train station - the school campus is huge. They have three libraries and we were welcomed into the Primary (Grades 3-6) space which was very impressive. 

After a welcome from the campus Principal and an Acknowledgement of Country by four tiny Kindergarten children we were entertained with a fabulous play which wove the short-listed picture books together using Stellarphant as a framework. Each book character had to explain why they should be included in the space mission. If you look at this poster of the short list you might marvel that the play managed to incorporate such disparate characters - Egg, Thelma, Macca, Rodney, Speedy (sloth), Floof, Mopoke, the kid from Busting (he stole the show) and of course Stellarphant herself. I'm sure James Foley would have loved this adaption of his story. 


  • Promote and encourage the enjoyment and appreciation of Australian literature for children and young adults.
  • Involve young readers in NSW in the process of selecting the most popular books.
  • Assist in developing the Readers' critical appreciation skills.
  • Give recognition to Australian authors and illustrators.


  • Gives students a voice regarding the books they love to read
  • Promotes and encourages the enjoyment and appreciation of Australian literature
  • Integrates EASILY into literature promotion programs
  • Involves students in the voting process, encouraging them to discuss and debate their views on good literature
  • Supports other reading programs such as the Premier's Reading Challenge and MS Read-a-thon
  • Provides students with the opportunity to meet their favourite authors and illustrators at the annual Awards Day
  • Offers schools the chance to win original artwork and book prizes.

Other kids own book awards:

USA Children's Choice Award

Australia YABBA

Australia KROC

Australia WAYRBA

UK Awards (list) including some children's choice awards.

Here are the other short list posters:

If you pop these titles into my search bar you can read my review of each of these.

Prior to the big winners and honour book announcements (which included videos from authors and illustrators who were unable to attend) - each of the invited guests came onto the stage to answer a question:

What event in your life would make a great children's story?

Deb Abela talked about a visit to Africa and using a camera which meant she was in serious trouble with the authorities. (check my review of The Book of Wondrous Possibilities).
Meredith Costain talked about her visit to Pompeii and the idea of a timeslip story
Danielle McDonald captured the audience with her story of the Iceman and her impersonation of an archeologist.
Matt Cosgrove told a poignant story about his grandmother and her love of birds and then surprised us with the book he wrote based on this experience published in 1999 but sure to be in many school libraries.

Jacqueline Harvey also had a real book to share about a chicken! The title is perfect. I think everyone held their breath wondering if the trapped chicken would survive.

George Ivanoff told a spider story that was fabulous - I do hope he puts in into a book. If publishers still made Aussie Nibbles this would be a perfect story for that series. 

Other speakers were Lachlan Creagh and Jules Faber (winner of the KOALA Legend for 2023).

The formal part of the event ended with a raffle draw for a drawing done by Matt Cosgrove of his famous Macca the alpaca which he completed on the stage right through the event. It was won by Croydon Public School. 

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