Saturday, January 13, 2024

Never Let Go by Geraldine McCaughrean illustrated by Jason Cockroft

"In the whole of realm of Fairyland and in the all the sunlit world there was no man so handsome as Tamlin. He could have captured the heart of any princess with his golden hair and ready smile. So many wondered why he chose Janet for his sweetheart. Plain Janet."

Tamlin is seen by the Fairy Queen. She entices him into her world and takes away his freedom. Janet travels to the edge of fairyland determined to set her true love free. 

"What did she see that Hallowe'en? Bats and back cats, and a skeleton dancing in the wild. She saw gravestone heave and the moss crawl, heard banshee laughter drifting on the wind."

The Fairy Queen rides past with her entourage and among them she sees her Tamlin. 

"But when a milk-white mare, crossed the moonlit crossroads, she leapt at once from her hiding place and seized his fine wool cloak ..."

There is no way the queen will give up her prize and so she conjures up all sorts of horrors - Tamlin turns into a giant scaly lizard, a thick enormous snake, a violent raging bear, a lion, a horse that tosses her high into the air, then a wolf, a boar and an eagle. 

"But she did not loose her grip whether her fingers clung to tusks or antennae, pincers or curling horns."

The final transformation is possibly the most horrible of all. The Fairy Queen turns Tamlin into a red-hot iron bar but Janet does not let go. Finally, the night ends and Janet is left holding her handsome true love. 

This book was published in 1998 so it is long out of print but the copy I found in a school library is still in good condition and I think deserves a place on the library shelves. The illustrations are scrumptious and the bravery of Janet is simply amazing. I would read this book to a group of older students - they are sure to enjoy all the slightly scary elements and the wonderful happy ending along with the messages of perseverance, determination and courage. 

Bookseller blurb: On the eve of his wedding, handsome Tamlin is stolen away by the Fairy Queen into the cruel, enchanted land of the Fairies where the ground runs red with blood. Tamlin's brave love, Janet, determines to win him back - but first she must find him. Then she must never let him go, come what may, or Tamlin will be gone forever.

I found this book when I was helping my friend with her library stock take (inventory). The cover caught my eye and so did the author name. Here are some other books by Geraldine McCaughrean and books illustrated by Jason Cockcroft.

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