Sunday, March 10, 2024

They all saw a cat by Brendan Wenzel

Begin with the title - what do you think of when you see a cat? Does it depend on the type of cat? The size, the colour or the location. Now turn to the end papers. The front ones look like messy fur and the back ones are the same fur now smooth and perhaps sleek. On the title page we see the bell - can you see it on the cover? For many animals this bell will be a warning that the cat is coming - that the cat is close - and this is especially an issue if you are prey to the cat such as a mouse! But what about the flea - does he care about the bell?

"The cat walked through the world, with its whiskers, ears, and paws ..."

The cat is seen by a child, a dog, a fox, a goldfish, a mouse, a bee, a yellow bird, a flea, a snake, a skunk, a worm and a bat but they all see something different. Finally the cat reaches a pond and looks at its own reflection - what does the cat see?

Here is what the bee sees:

Bookseller blurb: The cat walked through the world, with its whiskers, ears, and paws . . . In this glorious celebration of observation, curiosity, and imagination, Brendan Wenzel shows us the many lives of one cat, and how perspective shapes what we see. When you see a cat, what do you see?

They all saw a cat was published in 2016 and the paperback edition in 2020. It was a 2017 Caldecott honour book and won a Giverny Award in 2020. It is also a featured book in the Empathy Collection.

Along with inviting more reflective viewers to ruminate about perception and subjectivity, the cat’s perambulations offer elemental visual delights in the art’s extreme and sudden shifts in color, texture, and mood from one page or page turn to the next. Kirkus

Like the very best of books this gives the reader pause for thought and remains in the mind long after the pages are closed. It instills a sense of wonder at how wonderful our planet is with all its different forms of life. A philosophical and beautiful picture book. Book Murmurmation

Let us do away with the notion of “cat people” vs. “dog people”. This book is for “people”. End of sentence. ... That tired old phrase to “walk a mile in someone else’s shoes” makes no sense to a kid. But travel a page through another animal’s eyes? There’s never been a better fictional picture book that allows you to do this. If we all see something as simple as a cat this differently, what else might we not see the same? It’s a treat to eye, ear, and mind, but don’t forget. We’re all going to see this book through our own lenses. What will your kids see when they look at it? Only one way to find out. Betsy Bird School Library Journal

Here is the webpage for Brendan Wenzel. Here is an interview where you can see more of the images from this book and read about the inspiration. 

They all saw a cat should be in every school library - Primary and Preschool. 

The companion book Two Together will arrive in Australia in June, 2024.

Cat and Dog are headed home. A simple route lies ahead of them . . . or does it? There’s so much to see and smell and hear, and the two of them experience the world very differently. A stream, for instance, is watery fun for Dog, but it may not be so delightful for Cat! As their journey becomes an adventure full of unexpected twists and turns, Cat and Dog show that it’s possible for two creatures to travel in the world together despite their distinctive perspectives and abilities—and even to appreciate and enjoy them.

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