Friday, March 29, 2024

Timeless by Kelly Canby

Publisher blurbEmit (whose parents turned back time to name him) is surrounded by busyness. Dad is too busy to read stories, Mum is too busy to play games and Emit’s brother and sister are simply too busy doing nothing to do anything, at all. Emit tries everything he can think of to get more time, he tries to catch it, wait for it, but it’s not until Emit tries to buy some time that he learns the secret which is, if you want time, you have to make it.

A story about time - a perfect match for my blog which began when a little kindergarten child told me her mum or dad did not have time to read her the library book she had taken home that week. This made me so sad and then I thought of Momo by Michael Ende which is an allegory about time and the time thieves of the modern world (today that means phones).

Here is part of the text from Timeless:

"It began in no time at all. And continued, time after time, day after day, until eventually there was simply no time at all. Someone was always running out of it ... or losing track of it ... or lying around letting it slip through their fingers."

Emit wants to help his parents - they say they need more hours in the day. He hears the words 'time flies' but he just couldn't catch any of it in his net.  He hears the words 'time passes you by' so he stopped and waited to see time passing but all he saw were busy people rushing through the city. Someone mentioned time is precious so Emit decided to look in the museum, the art gallery, the mint and the bank because that is where precious things are stored. Then someone else said 'time stands still' so Emit tried standing but that was just a waste of time. 

Finally, the solution arrives. Emit sees a newspaper advertisement - This year give the gift of time. Grabbing his money Emit goes to the store to buy some time as a gift but the shop lady has none for sale. Instead she offers this advice:

"If time is what you want, you have to make it. Remember that, always!"

Now Emit has the answer but how he applies this information is a little curious. We see him with his family. The have opened a shop called Emit and Family Quality Time. The shop is filled with clocks because this is a repair shop - we make, build and repair. 

Go back through the book and look for all the things Emit would love to do with someone in his family - play a ball game; have a hit of tennis; enjoy a family board game (Funopoloy); read a book together!; go fishing; draw a picture; and enjoy some gardening.  Here he is with his book and his distracted father.

Here are a few ideas from the teachers notes (Fremantle Press) plus some of my additions:

The title of this book is Timeless – what does the word ‘timeless’ mean? The cover design shows that 
there is a double meaning in the title. By using two different colours, the word ‘timeless’ has been 
broken into ‘time’ and ‘less’. What does this tell you about the story?
What do you think the boy is trying to catch with his net?

Do you ever feel like you don’t have enough time? What takes up your time? What things do you like to spend time on? What lesson does Emit learn in this book? Do you think anyone else learnt this lesson? How can you tell? Would you like to share this book with your parents or other adults - why or why not?

How does Emit make time at the end of the book? Do you think this is a real way to make time, or is it 
symbolic? Emit’s shop is called ‘Quality Time’. What does the word ‘quality’ mean? What is ‘quality time’? 

See inside Timeless here. Here is an interview with Kelly Canby about her book. And here are more illustrations from the book. And you should explore her webpage

You could share some sayings or wise words about time with your library group:

  • Time is the wisest counselor of all. Pericles
  • Never leave ’till tomorrow which you can do today. Benjamin Franklin
  • Time stays long enough for those who use it. Leonardo da Vinci
  • The bad news is time flies. The good news is you’re the pilot. Michael Altshuler
  • Time isn’t the main thing. It’s the only thing. Miles Davis
  • You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it. Charles Buxto
  • Enjoy yourself. It’s later than you think. Chinese proverb
  • Time flies over us but leaves its shadow behind. Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. Charles Darwin
  • Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Steve Jobs
  • Do we need more time? Or do we need to be more disciplined with the time we have? Kerry Johnson
  • Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. Marthe Troly-Curtin
  • I recommend you take care of the minutes and the hours will take care of themselves. Earl of Chesterfield
  • Time is a gift that most of us take for granted. Cheryl Richardson
  • The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now. Chinese proverb

And here are some time idioms.

A sign of the times; Behind the times; A whale of a time; Time on your hands; Strapped for time; Time is of the essence; In the nick of time; A race against time; Time flies (when you’re having fun).

Timeless has been shortlisted by the CBCA (Children's Book Council of Australia) for the 2024 award - Picture Book of the Year. Here are the judges' comments:

Witty, entertaining and visually delightful, this book delves into time and time constraints through young Emit’s eyes, whose family always craves more hours in its day. Minimal but sophisticated, the well thought-out text distils the complexity of the abstract concept it explores, cleverly playing with time related idioms and word puns. Bright, engaging illustrations, as if hand-drawn by a child, seamlessly integrate with the printed text demonstrating excellence in design. Varied layouts and perspectives enrich the visual experience, with key ideas highlighted through vibrantly colourful large text that sometimes becomes part of the composition. The masterfully crafted endpapers, in a league of their own, entertain and encourage further reflection about time and our relationship with it, while echoing a satisfying resolution to Emit’s own search for time.

Timeless is striking and filled to the brim with heart and swathes of colour. From the first page, you can’t help but be endeared toward Emit in his stripy green shirt and expressive illustration. Paired with Canby’s rhythmic storytelling, Timeless is heart-warming and incredibly clever. It’s a gorgeous tale that’s playful, innovative and – in our busy modern world – very timely.’ Better Reading

‘This beautiful book is filled with vibrant and appealing illustrations on each double page and striking endpapers full of busyness and explosions of colour. The simple yet powerful text tells a story that will resonate with children and the adults in their lives.’ ReadPlus

When I read Timeless for the first time I stopped when I saw this chilling and important image - I am naming this the thief of time - parents on phones!

Then I saw these two images on Instagram today - they could be wonderful discussion starters with a group of older students, and I would also add them to a parent talk.

Sophie Blackall - new book Ahoy! due 2nd April
Image Source: Instagram

Image from a new book illustrated by Felicita Sala - If you run out of words
Image Source: Instagram and here

Companion books:

I adored a previous book by Kelly Canby:

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