Thursday, July 18, 2024

I Spy ABC by Sally Anne Lambert

I picked up this 1992 picture book from a recent charity book sale. I would be very tempted to (sorry if this horrifies you) to cut this book up and laminate the page and then use it in a preschool or with your own child as a fun rainy-day activity.  This is an old book and my copy is only in fair condition so it seems quite okay to treat it this way. I do like the soft-focus almost nostalgic illustrations and the small letter motifs on the bottom of each page. Read about Sally Anne Lambert here

Each page is a game of "I spy" with objects to match the letter. It is a little similar to Animalia by Graeme Base but not as sophisticated. And luckily for parents there is a help list on the last page of all the things you need to find on each page.

For example on the  W is for Whiskers on a pussycat's nose - you can also see:

  • a wagon
  • a weasel
  • a wall
  • a wheelbarrow
  • a witch
  • a wishing well
  • a waistcoat
  • a web
  • a watering can
  • weeds
  • a window
  • and a pair of Wellington boots

ice cream, igloo, infant, iguana, Indian costume, imp, island, insects, iron, ink, instruments, icing, ivy

Teddy, trumpet, tassel, table, television, telephone, tankard, turret, train, tortoise, tiger, tent, thimble, trees, toothbrush, toothpaste, tissues, toadstools, truck, telescope

Australian illustrator Louise Pfanner paints gorgeous name paintings using this idea of objects that match letters - each one of her pieces is a sweet discovery. Take a look here to see some of her work. If you have a new baby in the family her work would be a very special gift. 

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