Monday, November 26, 2012

Children's book-a-day almanac by Anita Silvey

You might have noticed the Book-a-day almanac on my sidebar.  I love to dip into this and now Anita has published all her reviews into a book!  I received it for my birthday.  The perfect present for a Teacher-Librarian.

I will let Anita explain the structure of these reviews :
"Every day of the calendar year I discuss an appropriate title and then provide information about how it came about, the author, the ideal audience and how the book has connected in a meaningful way with young people from babies to age fourteen. ... For each day of the year I also provide a sidebar that lists other events and contains children's books related to these events."

How will I use the Almanac?

  • As a shopping list of course
  • A memory jogger of books I have read and perhaps forgotten
  • A diary planner so I can celebrate author and illustrator birthdays
  • A celebration planner so we can celebrate using children's books
  • And finally as inspiration.

Turning to my birthday I see the book of the day was Savvy which I have also reviewed.  This was a book I really loved so I am happy to see it coincides with my birthday. The sidebar mentions I share a birthday with Frances Hodgson Burnett and Carlo Collodi (Pinocchio).

I am very glad to have a copy of this book on my shelf of children's literature reference books and I am sure it is a volume I will return to many times.  My only dilemma is will I write all over it with annotations... this is so tempting.

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