Sunday, November 25, 2012

Spot bakes a cake by Eric Hill

My friend at Kinderbookswitheverything has alerted me to the amazing idea that tomorrow, November 26th, is National Cake Day in America.

This makes me smile because I love cakes, I love books containing cakes, November 26th is quite close to my Birthday and I have been eating cake, I just bought a 2013 calendar with pictures of the most elaborate decorated cakes and I often think I would like to have a cake filled afternoon tea party with some of my favourite children's writers especially the ones who write about delicious food including cakes. First on my list of guests would be Odo Hirsch and his chocolate dippers from the book Hazel Green.

When I think about cake in a picture book I think of young Spot baking a cake for his dad. Sure it does look a little lopsided but I am sure it tasted delicious.

In A friend Like Ed by Karen Wagner, Ed makes a triple layer fudge frosted cake which no one can resist. Meanwhile little Ella has a cake to deliver on her cart and you will hold your breath as this special cake travels up and down the countryside to its destination.

Finally I must mention The Witch in the Cherry Tree by the wonderful Margaret Mahy.  Oddly this book has a recipe for gingerbread in the back but it is a book about cakes. David and his mum are making small cakes and it is the smell of the baking that lures a witch into the cherry tree.  A few cakes are burnt and these are useful to throw at the witch.

Along with these picture books don't forget to check out the collection of cake making books in our library. Have a happy cake day!

1 comment:

  1. Wow all those cakes that I've missed. Will be in the library tomorrow revisiting books, especially the Margaret Mahy. Looked up the Karen Wagner one when you mentioned buttons. That book could be read for nearly every celebration there is!
