Thursday, December 20, 2012

Celebrating 200 years of Grimm

The Grimm brothers collected 211 fairy tales starting with a collection published in 1812.  Among the best known are Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, Hansel and Gretel and Rapunzel.  In our school library we have a huge collection of illustrated fairy tales some simple versions for younger readers and others intended for an older audience.  Many have gorgeous illustrations. One of my favourite books as a child was a huge fairy tale anthology which included many of the famous stories. You can see a full list of all the tales they collected here.

Today Google celebrated the 200 year anniversary with a cute little slide show or doodle based on Little Red Riding Hood.  You can read about this process here or view a video of the slides with music.

Do you have a favourite Grimm tale? My favourite fairy tale is actually by Hans Christian Andersen and not the Grimm Brothers -  The Six Swans or The Wild Swans.  I have included an image from my old book which features photos of puppets and an interesting cover made from plastic that you move to see in 3D from the 1960s.  This story and this particular edition fascinated me as a child.

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